
Known as the stone of luck and chance. It is said to increase perception and creative insight.


Believed to give courage, soothe the nerves in times of stress, and makes the wearer become calm and gentle.


It sharpens intellectual focus and clears mental confusion. Amber gives a soothing light energy that is both calming and

energizing at the same time. It cleans its environment by drawing out negativity.


Was historically used by sailors and believed to be the the stone of the mermaids. It improves communication and brings cheerfulness.

Blue Tigers Eye

Lets you see everything. Used for insight and brings good luck. It is used to focus the mind.

Blue Topaz

Helps calm and reduce the effects of stress. Lightens mental burdens, attracts love, and improves communication.


Is said to give energy and was once considered strictly property of the Noble class. It helps the insecure person find strength within them.


Replaces negative thoughts with joy and optimism. It brings confidence and self esteem. Said to be the merchant stone.


Is found only along the Chary River in Russia. It grounds the spiritual self opening and balancing the crown chakra.

Crazy Lace Agate

Is called the stone of laughter. Promotes stability and absorbs emotional pain. Said to ward off the evil eye.


This opal will open one to new impressions and encourages openness in others. It helps to observe the world with new eyes and it alleviates emotional burdens.


A powerful stone that awakens love and compassion. It stimulates forgiveness while opening your heart.

Dinosaur Bone

Increases energy and memory. They say it is great for calming anxiety.

Fire Agate

Has a calming energy that brings security, safety, and inspires inner knowledge.


Represents friendship, according to legend if you wear it, it will improve your relationships and protect you from harm. Also thought to assure the wearer of love, devotion, health, and faithfulness.

Green Tourmaline

Attracts luck, success, abundance and prosperity. It also quiets the mind and relaxes the body.


Ancients believed that it could unlock creativity. It clears the third eye chakra.

Imperial Jasper

Provides protection to reduce fears and insecurities. Is known to keep emotions stable.


Known as the supreme nurturer. It reminds us that one is not here just for oneself, but here to also bring substance and joy to others.

Jelly Opal

Some believe it is the gemstone of the angels. Clears negative thoughts and creates positive thinking.


A stone of protection and enlightenment. Assists with spiritual growth and intuitive perception.

Montana Agate

Balances emotions, discerns the truth, accepts circumstances, and is a powerful emotional healer.


Brings good fortune and promotes inspiration. Old lore states that if you put the stone up to your lips and your lovers lips under a full moon, you will see your future together.


Is an excellent grounding stone. Stimulates visions providing insight to matters of the past, present, and future. It also helps to align the chakras.


Associated with innocence, purity, and honesty. They date back to the times of Cleopatra and were symbols for wealth, love, and good luck.


A stone of rebirth and renewal. Promotes peace and happiness. Attracts success and good luck.

Picture Jasper

Is a grounding and harmonizing stone. Picture Jasper is said to give you a strong sense of who you are, where you have come from, and where you are going.

Pink Tourmaline

Symbolizes friendship, compassion, and female energy. Is considered a healers stone.

Poppy Jasper

Acts somewhat like adrenaline, waking up and energizing the body. It inspires a positive, joyful attitude and gives the motivation and energy to take creative action.


Empowers and protects by amplifying and focusing energy. It facilitates growth, awareness and alleviates anger. It opens the spirit for meditation and spiritual development.


Excellent for energy and stimulates warm feelings of love and compassion. It soothes the heart and promotes intuition.

Rose Quartz

The stone of unconditional love. It has excellent protection energies and opens up the heart chakra.


Has been a significant gemstone for Kings, Priests and Warriors. It protects, gives courage, motivates, and lifts ones mood.

Rutilated Quartz

It helps with loneliness and brings immense happiness. Helps one to get out of a rut by clarifying thoughts and emotions.


Its powers include spiritual enlightenment and inner peace.

Smokey Quartz

Dissolves negative energy. Believed to make a person feel personal pride and create an overall joy in living.


It is said that it strengthens the heart. It is a balancer of mind, body, and spirit. It encourages peace of mind, a general feeling of well being.


Helps turn negative energies into positive energies. It dispels fears, phobias and brings leadership qualities to its wearer.


A relatively new gemstone discovered in the 1960's. It is believed to bring good fortune and has a calming property.


Protects the wearer from negative energy. Turquoise has been an important gemstone for many Ancient cultures. It also activates creativity, peace, and enhances friendships.


A fairly rare stone that occurs in varying shades of green. It helps one to find stability while avoiding excess also promotes courage.


The stone of unconditional love. It has excellent protection energies and opens up the heart chakra.